A never ending traffic jam? I think I was in that once. This was a visually stunning episode, with a theme we can all relate to—particularly if you're familiar with the M25.
Doctor: 'Which house? Make that witch house.' This is an episode which improves over repeated viewings. Sixteenth century London looks simply stunning: from its bustling streets, to the period magnificence of the Globe, to the rippling calmness of the Thames. Admittedly, someone throwing a bucket of piss out the window did dampen the mood somewhat (though thankfully, nobody's clothes), but it did little to faze Martha, who's seen far worse working night-shifts in A & E.
For me, 'Smith and Jones' typifies Russell T. Davies' weakness as a writer. There are some really good ideas on offer, but they're wrapped in such poorly thought out story dressing, and contain such bizarrely illogical character beats, that the whole effect somehow gets lost in the fog. This felt like a first draft of a story in need of several rewrites.
Donna: 'God, you're skinny. This wouldn't fit a rat.'
After Donna almost ruined Rose's swan song back in 'Doomsday', I can't say that I was looking forward to this year's Christmas special. Although I liked Tate in The Catherine Tate Show, I wasn't overly convinced that her and Doctor Who would be a good fit. After watching tonight's episode, I'm not altogether sure I was wrong.