
Misfits is a high concept comedy-drama, inspired, in part, by American shows such as Heroes and Smallville. The good news is, it's like neither. The Misfits are a group of five twenty-something delinquents who, whilst out doing community service, get struck by lightning and subsequently developed supernatural abilities. Yes the concept's trite, and the budget small, but the script positively sparkles with coarse humour (think Skins), hilarious situations and truly great drama.

Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four

Season Five



Joseph Gilgun (Rudy)
Karla Crome (Jess)
Nathan McMullen (Finn)
Matt Stokoe (Alex)

Robert Sheehan (Nathan)
Iwan Rheon (Simon)
Antonia Thomas (Alisha)
Lauren Socha (Kelly)
Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis)

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